Tuesday, February 7, 2017

[News] Yalu102 screwed my phone

(iPhone 6s) So recently I found out about the Yalu102 jailbreak for all pre-i7 phones. I read that it's unstable this, unstable that, but I didn't care. I downloaded the .ipa file and I put it on my phone with Cydia Impactor a few weeks ago.

Everything was fine. It was a bit glitchy at first, but it cleared up after I respring and re-jailbreak, since it is untethered. So I only download things that work with iOS 10.2, and if it glitches out, I would remove it.

Fast forward a few weeks, to today, and this is where I really fucked up. I wanted to get paid apps for free on my phone and so I try to download HipStore or something on Cydia. It says I need another app to configure the data to actually be used ok the iPhone and so I download it. And next thing that happens, my phone's screen goes black. It wasn't completely black, but that shade where the screen is on but it's dark, and it restarts, and I'm thinking "Well I just need to delete this it's obviously not stable"


I unlock my phone and about 70% of my apps are gone. My messages app, safari, Cydia, etc. essentially my apps I need for my phone to well, be a phone. So I'm panicking at this point. I didn't know what to do so I rebooted my phone again, but no change. I decide I'm going to just back it up and restore. I'd rather have no jailbreak then this shit. That's basically it and I fucked my Apple ID so I have to wait to log in again cause my authorization code was sent to my phone and it was restored so I guess it couldn't display it. So I make another Apple ID temporarily and in my messages-- the authorization codes.

TL;DR downloaded dumb shit and fucked my phone and its jailbreak.

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by /u/Rusty_Pringle - Link to original post


  1. Good. That's what you get for trying to steal apps, you cheap bastard.

    1. The OP (orginial poster) is as stated at the link below this post. :)
