Thursday, November 3, 2016

[Release] YUCCA - A Full System Stasher for iOS 9.2+.

*YUCCA Packages and Utilities - A Full System Stasher*

First of all, feel free to check my Twitter (@ijapija00)


If I see many interests, I will make a Tutorial showing the whole stashing process and what it does. On my iPad Air 2, I went from 98.9% => 87.3% when I stashed the whole filesystem.

Along with my demonstration I’m releasing a full system stasher that can stash following folders in a non-untethered environment. It works with all unstashed systems on iOS 9.0+!

*Preference Bundles



*Other System Folders


YUCCA is an advanced stasher, that requires a little bit of knowledge. The special thing with YUCCA is that you choose what to stash. It is fully compatible with Pangu’s iOS 9.3.3 JB and Patcyh!

Why stashing is important

When installing tweaks, they’ll automatically be installed into /Library/… which is a System Folder. The System Folders have a fixed value of capacity, where only system (iOS Default) applications and resources should be installed, the rest is the user’s space. That leaves you with a lot of user space, but not system space, which means less tweaks if you don’t stash your system.

However, with Pangu’s iOS 9.3.3 JB, they don’t have an untether to make Cydia stash the system, that would probably make it unstable and unusable.

A few months ago, /u/coolstarorg released Stashing for 9.2-9.3.3. It does its job perfectly but if and when you try to remove it, the system won’t return into a ”fully” unstashed environment.

YUCCA, on the other hand, gives you, as an advanced user or developer, control over your system. Get started by typing ’YuccaPackager’ in Terminal, you choose what to stash. If something goes wrong, you can easily revert your system by unstashing it. YUCCA does this automatically for you!

Stashing for 9.2-9.3.3 do not stash some system folders, but YUCCA does. YUCCA doesn’t stash /usr/bin, /u/coolstarorg’s utility does. Therefore, YUCCA is made to be compatible with Stashing for 9.2-9.3.3. That means that use can stash /usr/bin, wallpapers, ringtones and everything else you want and undo it at anytime.

The feature I’ve been working along my jailbreak is to stash the whole /Applications folder. This CAN be dangerous on a non-untethered device, but with a bypass this is now possible. If you mess up (which I’ve done during testing, just run ’YuccaPackager -unstash_applications’ and you’ll be back to normal.

Should I use this on my personal device?

Even though YUCCA is greatly tested on many devices, there are some problems. However, you will always be recovered by this utility!

Stashing wallpapers, ringtones… is fine, but if I was you I should wait at least a couple of days before trying to stash the /Applications folder (but remember, you covered).

*Known issues*

/Applications stashing

Cydia Eraser has some crash issues when you’re trying to restore an unstashed system. I’ve reported this to /u/saurik and I hope we could get this to work again :/

All tools (Applications) installed by Cydia needs to be reinstalled after the /Applications stashing (at least iCleaner, iFile works)…

PLEASE REMEMBER: This is an alpha version of a tool. I can guarantee you that it will work, but don’t do anything you feel unsure about. I hope that I and a few other developers can get this to be 100% safe (it’s 99.9% now). You do everything at your own risk, but I am always here to help.

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by /u/Ijapija00 - Link to original post


  1. I have installed this and when I open cydia up its shows Yucca Stasher loading for hours please help I can't open cydia anymore because of it how to delete it with M terminal or how can I get it to work
