Saturday, June 18, 2016

[RELEASE] [DEV-TOOL] simject — Easily test your iOS tweaks on the iOS Simulator!

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Short Introduction to simject

simject is a command-line tool and iOS dynamic library that allows developers to easily test their tweaks on the iOS Simulator.

simject is BSD-licensed. See LICENSE for more information.

Do keep in mind that just because your tweak works in the Simulator doesn't necessarily mean it'll work on an actual iOS device. Yes, in 99% of cases, it will work just fine, but there will always be some strange edge cases where this does not apply.

Also, special thanks to PoomSmart, who told me about the existence of -[UIApplication environmentVariables], which is crucial to how simject works.

See simject on GitHub for more information.

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by /u/angelXwind - Link to original post

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