Wednesday, May 3, 2017

[Release] ColorGram - Color customization tool for Instagram.

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by /u/JustinPet26 - Link to original post

[Release][Beta] - CustomSounds | Customize the iOS sounds.

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by /u/GewoonDani - Link to original post

[News] ColorGram - Who's on iOS 9 and wants a free copy?

ColorGram will be live in an hour or so, but currently the description is stated as compatible with iOS 10. I need someone on iOS 9 I can gift a copy to once it's live to test it so I can change the description and confirm compatibility for all of you's.

So comment below and I'll message one of you's once it's released, I'll only need your Cydia account number.

Thanks guys.

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by /u/JustinPet26 - Link to original post

[NEWS] Cydia alternative (jjjj)

idk why this hasnt been posted here (tried search), but theres been a Cydia alternative called jjjj that's been out for a few months now. All ive found is posts on arabic forums and stuff but nothing on the english sites for some reason

anyway, you can install tweaks without it forcing you to respring immediately after, and sometimes it just injects it for you without needing to respring at all (the ones that work from my testing are cylinder, apex 2 and cask, but theres probably more) and it literally takes like 5-10 seconds to install or uninstall any tweak, heres a few vids:

anyway from my experience it works really well at what it does. it can install probably like 90% of the stuff on cydia. so you still gotta use cydia for that other 10%

the dev is the same guy who made cylinder, and its on his repo

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by /u/johnmccain2016 - Link to original post

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

[Release] - StatusbarDate | Replace time in statusbar with custome date format.

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by /u/GewoonDani - Link to original post

[News] Pangu sold 10.3.1 Vulnerability to Apple?

From my Taiwan friend who sent me this, he said that Pangu sold that vulnerability to Apple ($1.25 million? Don't know if its NT or USD). Not sure why the second link says "jailbreakable fake." I'm just here to pass the news that there most likely won't be a 10.3.1 Jailbreak. I will keep looking for other credible sources

盤古CEO暗示與表明了盤古團隊後不再推出越獄工具,但還是會繼續著重找出iOS越獄漏洞,另有消息指出,盤古在這次展示的iOS 10.3-10.3.1越獄漏洞,在Janus會議結束後用125萬美元將漏洞販售給蘋果公司,後續在iOS 10.3.2 Beta5或後續測試版上面將修補這漏洞,如盤古後續還推出越獄工具,就會違反與蘋果之間的合約。

Using Google Translate "Pangu CEO suggested that the Pangu team has no longer introduced after the escape tool, but still will continue to focus on finding iOS jailbreak vulnerability, another news that Pangu in this show iOS 10.3-10.3.1 jailbreak vulnerability, after the Janus meeting With $ 1.25 million to sell the vulnerability to Apple, followed by iOS 10.3.2 Beta5 or subsequent beta will fix this vulnerability, such as the Pangu follow-up also launched jailbreak tool, will be in violation of the contract between Apple."

Other links to sources that happened recently....

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by /u/mecoolai - Link to original post